
Multiprobe Lab

Multiprobe Lab Room CEEC II U0.37 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48741

Image: AG Turchanin

Ultra high vacuum (UHV) Multiprobe System (ScientaOmicron) for analysis of structural, chemical and electronic properties of nanomaterials and sample preparation:

  • operating temperature range 50 – 1300 K
  • sample preparation by PVD and CVD techniques, Ar+ sputtering
  • photoelectron spectroscopy including monochromatic and non-monochromatic XPS (Al Kα, Mg Kα), UPS (e.g., He I), chemical mapping and depth profiling
  • scanning probe techniques including variable temperature AFM and STM
  • low energy electron diffraction (LEED)

Multiprobe Lab Room CEEC II U0.37 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48741

Image: AG Turchanin

Glovebox GS Alpha X-Line

Nanosensor Lab 1

Nanosensor Lab Room 258 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48759

Image: Emad Najafidehaghani

High vacuum (HV) probe station (Lakeshore) for analysis of electrical properties of nanomaterials and devices:

  • Cryogenic vacuum probe station, 4 – 450 K (LakeShore Cryotronics TTPX) for (opto-) electrical characterization in vacuum
  • Light sources (Thorlabs LEDs 365 nm and 455 nm, Thorlabs Pigtailed Laser Diodes)

Gas sensing setup

  • High vacuum (HV) gas sensing setup

Nanosensor Lab 2

Nanosensor Lab Room 138 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48472

Image: Emad Najafidehaghani

Ambient air probe stations (Signatone) for analysis of electrical properties of nanomaterials and devices:

  • Precision LCR meter, 20 Hz - 2 MHz (Keysight E4980A)
  • Precision sourcemeters, 1 µA - 200 V and 1 fA - 10 A (Keithley 2614B)
  • Perestalitic pump (Spetec Perimax)
  • Sampling oscilloscope (GwInstek GDS-1052-U)

Nanosensor Lab Room 138 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48472

Image: Andrey Turchanin

MP-SPR Navi™ 210A VASA

  • Automated liquid handling of up to 6- different samples for unattended runs
  • Partial loop injections enabling minimized sample consumption
  • 4  simultaneous  measurements  in  2  fluidic  channels,  two independent  wavelength  measurements  from  the  same  spot, enabling detection of thickness and refractive index or conformation changes
  • Exceptionally  wide  angular  range 40˚ - 78˚

Microscopy Lab

Microscopy Lab Room 255 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48750

Image: AG Turchanin

Optical Microscopy (Zeiss), Atomic Force Microscopy (NT MDT):

  • AFM (contact and tapping modes) / Lateral Force Microscopy / Phase Imaging/ Force Modulation/ Lithography: AFM (Force)
  • STM/ Magnetic Force Microscopy/ Electrostatic Force Microscopy/ Scanning Capacitance Microscopy/ Kelvin Probe Microscopy
  • Different Measurement modes (air/inert gas atmosphere/liquids)

Spectroscopy Lab

Spectroscopy Lab Room CEEC II U0.22 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48218

Image: AG Turchanin

Polarization modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS, Bruker) for the structural and chemical characterization of adsorbed materials on metal surfaces:

  • angle of incidence between 70° and 90°
  • high-frequency modulation between s- and p-polarization using a PMA 50 photoelastic modulator (ZnSe, 42 kHz, AR-coated); dual channel acquisition for both signals
  • mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector with non-dichroic BaF2 window
  • spectral range 4000 - 750cm-1

Chemistry Lab

Chemistry Lab Room 253 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48470

Image: AG Turchanin

Sample preparation and functionalization of 2D materials under ambient and inert conditions:

  • Self-assembled monolayer preparation
  • Chemical synthesis of target molecules
  • Millipore water purification system
  • Schlenk technique
  • Ar, O2, N2 supply

Chemistry Lab Room 253 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48470

Image: AG Turchanin

O+ , air plasma cleaning (ZEPTO, Diener Electronic)

  • 40 kHz 0-100 W Generator

Metrohm Autolab

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Lab

CVD Lab Room 254 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48471

Image: Emad Najafidehaghani

Synthesis of 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)

  • Home-built MOCVD system (Temp: up to 700 °C, Pressure: 10-2 – 103 mbar)
  • Mass Spectrometer (1 - 300 amu) for real-time residual gas analysis attached to the MOCVD reactor for understanding the mechanism of the growth process

CVD Lab Room 254 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48471

Image: AG Turchanin

Synthesis of 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides by home-built chemical vapor deposition (CVD)

  • Three home-built CVD systems: One two-zone and two three-zone furnaces (Ambient and inert conditions)
  • Current developed monolayer materials: MoS2, WS2, NbS2, WSe2,MoSe2, NbSe2, MoTe2, 2D lateral heterostructures, wafer-scale MoS2 thin film, etc.

CVD Lab Room 254 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48471

Image: AG Turchanin

Glovebox UNIlab M.Braun

  • O2 and H2O < 1 ppm
  • Can be used with positive and negative pressure

Microfabrication Lab

Microfabrication Lab Room 259 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48758

Image: AG Turchanin
  • CO2 critical point dryer
  • Spin coater
  • Schlenk technique
  • Ar, O2, N2 supply

Microfabrication Lab Room 259 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48758

Image: AG Turchanin

Nano-Plotter (Gesim NP2.1)

  • Non-contact automated nanoliter pipetting for precise liquid handling
  • Spotting of liquid microarrays with a resolution down to 20 µm
  • Optical target recognition capability down to 50 µm
  • Automatic sample aspiration 
  • Automatic wash and dry stations for piezoelectric micropipettes
  • Image analysis of droplet dispensing accuracy via stroboscopic video microscopy
  • Humidifier

Lithography Lab

Lithography Lab Room K002 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48473

Image: AG Turchanin
  • µMLA Tabletop Maskless Aligner (Heidelberg Instruments)Minimum feature sizes of 0.6 µm
  • UV LED 365 nm
  • Exposure on substrates with dimensions from 5x5mm² to 100x100mm² and a thickness of up to 12mm. Maximum substrate size 6”
  • Versatile physical vapor deposition system (Korvus Technology)
  • RF magnetron sputtering, e-beam evaporation, thermal evaporation,  Organic evaporation
  • 6”sample table
  • Load-lock fast entry system
  • Sample table heating up to 500 °C
  • O+ , Ar+  reactive ion etching (ZEPTO RIE, Diener Electronic)
  • 13.56 MHz, 0-200 W Generator

Lithography Lab Room K002 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48473

Image: AG Turchanin

Renishaw Raman microscope for Raman and photoluminescence measurements using a 532 nm laser

Nanomembrane Lab

Nanomembrane Lab Room 260 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48751

Image: AG Turchanin

Electron beam reactor

  • Low Energy Electron (1-500 eV) irradiation of macroscopic samples (up to 4x4 cm2) in High-Vacuum (10-8 mbar)
  • Low Energy Electron Beam Lithography with stencil masks

Nanomembrane Lab Room 260 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48751

Image: Vladislav Stroganov

Mass Spectrometer for residual gas analysis

  • Designed and sold by Hiden Analytical
  • Performs rest gas analysis
  • Electron gun ion source, Quadrupole mass analyzer, Faraday cup and electron multiplier detectors
  • Sensitivity down to 10-14 mbar
  • 9 decades continuous log scale
  • Ability to detect external ions
  • Possibility to easily modify the "sample" side to fit experimental requirements
  • Automated gas sorption analyzer

Nanomembrane Lab Room 260 Telephone: +49 3641 9-48751

Image: Vladislav Stroganov

3D Printer

  • Form 3 model from Formlabs
  • Utilizes stereolithography (SLA)
  • Wide selection of printing materials with different mechanical properties and colors
  • Chemically resistant materials are also available
  • Build volume dimensions: 145x145x185 mm
  • Layer thickness - 25-100 µm
  • Minimum reliably printed feature size - 1 mm

Characterization Methods

To characterize physical, chemical and functional properties of nanometarials we apply in our group, as well as in collaborative efforts with other groups, various complementary techniques and methods:

Methods Instruments
Spectroscopy Photoelectron and Auger Spectroscopy (XPS/UPS and AES)
Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy (NEXAFS)
Raman and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
Polarisation Modulation Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS)
UV-Vis Spectroscopy
Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy (TDS)
Microscopy Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM)
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM in HV/UHV)
Scanning Auger Microscopy (SAM)
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Methods of Optical Microscopy 
Helium Ion Microscopy (HIM)
Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED)
X-ray Diffraction
X-ray Reflectivity and Grazing Incidence Diffraction (XR/GIXD)
Nanolithography Extreme UV Interference Lithography (EUV-IL)
Electron Beam Lithography (EBL)
Micro Contact Printing (µCP)
Nanofabrication Preparation of Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs)
Free-Standing Supramolecular Sheets and Graphene 
Chemical and Physical Vapour Deposition (CVD/PVD) 
Microfabrication in Clean Room
Other Methods Electrical Transport Measurements
Surface Plasmon Resonance Measurements (SPR)
Mass Spectrometer for residual gas analysis